人脉是你能拥有的最有价值的职业发展技能之一 因为据估计80%的工作都是通过社交网络来填补的 — and many open positions are not advertised. 因此,花时间建立一个广泛的职业关系网是非常值得的. 你的联系人可以帮助你探索你的职业,找到工作和实习机会,并被聘用. Don’t underestimate the importance of a strong network!

人脉在你的实习和求职中比以往任何时候都更加重要. 4 out of 5 jobs and internships are never posted online. They’re gotten through networking. 网易彩票app鼓励您利用所有可用的网络资源,包括:

  • Demystifying 网络 Videos
  • 网络 Strategy Step-by-Step Guide
  • Sample 网络 Emails
  • How to Make a Connection
  • How to Conduct Informational 面试

Demystifying networking videos


重新定义: 网络 is just asking for directions.

The 网络 Reframe

社交是学习和探索职业机会的好方法. Many people worry that networking is fake or transactional, 但当网易彩票app把它理解为问路时,就更容易看到它是如何真实和互利的.


The Two Types of 网络: Outbound and Inbound

当你开始建立人际关系时,有不同的策略与人联系是很有用的. 这个视频概述了网易彩票app所说的入站和出站网络.


Designing Your Career: The Outsider Problem

局外人问题是许多人在开始寻找新工作或试图换行业时遇到的问题. 这段视频为你的职业生涯设计提供了两个最有力的工具:关系网和信息面试.


Designing Your Career: The Informational 面试

信息性面试是创造新机会的有力途径. 这个视频涵盖了信息面试的基本要素来帮助你学习, 找工作, or 'prototype' new experiences effectively.


网络 strategy step-by-step guide

没有想法? 使用 LinkedIn 校友 Tool to help and see where past grads work/have worked. (搜索 Seattle Pacific University,然后点击 校友, and enter a search term for work that interests you.)

A screenshot of the LinkedIn 校友 tool

For help, search for the company on LinkedIn, then “People”.

A screenshot of the LinkedIn 校友 tool

  • Search company websites.
  • 如果你找不到他的电子邮件地址,你可以通过LinkedIn联系他
  • 因为不是每个人都会回应,所以一次联系5个人会更快.
  • Research the person.
  • Prepare a short (about 1 min) intro with who you are, 你的背景, and what interests you about their work.
  • Prepare questions in advance—see Sample Informational 面试 Questions below

Sample Informational 面试 Questions

  • Start by talking about them, end with you & what you want to leave the conversation with
    • How did you get into this field?
    • What do you like most about it?
    • What do you like least about it?
    • What skills are important for this job?
    • 对于刚开始走上这条职业道路的人,你有什么建议?
    • 在这个行业找到工作/实习的最好方法是什么?
    • 在你进入这个行业之前,你希望有人告诉你什么是你不知道的?
    • Is there anyone else you would recommend that I speak to?
    • Would you mind if I stay in touch periodically?
  • See more sample questions here

Sample networking emails

If you’re a student:

SUBJ: Interest in speaking with you


我目前正在网易彩票下载学习[创意写作],对[出版]行业有兴趣. 我写信是因为我知道你是[Sasquatch Books的编辑], 我真的很欣赏(Sasquatch与西北太平洋和西海岸作家合作的小众作品). 如果你有时间的话, 我想知道你是否愿意分享更多你在那里和其他地方的经历.


In the next 2 weeks, I’m available [Fridays all day, 和周二, 星期三, and Thursdays after 3].

Thank you very much for considering.





SUBJ: Interest in speaking with you

亲爱的先生./Ms. 姓,

我是SPU校友,在LinkedIn上得知你是波音公司的数据科学家。, 在此之前,我曾在Expedia和Verizon担任[规划分析师]。. 我正在联系他们,因为我正在考虑将(数据科学)作为一个潜在的新职业, and your range of experience really interests me. 如果你有时间,我希望能有机会听听你对这个领域的见解.



Thank you very much for your time and 考虑. I hope to connect with you soon!



  • Can send 4 days after Email #1
  • Copy Email #1 under it

SUBJ: Interest in speaking with you


I hope your week is going well. 我很高兴能和你简单地谈谈你的工作.


Thank you very much again for your time and 考虑.



  • Can send 2 days after Email #2
  • If you can’t get their email, you can also start with this


I'm a [junior computer science] major at SPU. 我对[云游戏]很感兴趣,很想了解更多你在[微软]的工作情况。. 你愿意跟我打20分钟电话或跟Zoom聊一聊吗这样我就能多了解一下你的职业发展道路了? Thanks for your time & 考虑! (你的名字)


  1. 提前准备好这样的消息(注意它是300个字符的限制).
  2. Click "Connect" on the person's profile.
  3. 点击“添加注释”.
  4. Paste in your message & 点击“发送”.
  5. When the person responds to you, 你应该会在你的LinkedIn收件箱里收到一条消息,你的电子邮件也会连接到你的LinkedIn账户.
  • Can send 3 days after LinkedIn Message
  • Attach your resume to this one as a PDF
  • 在这一点上,继续前进,联系(最多5个)新朋友,用电子邮件#1重新开始这个循环



与此同时, I am still very interested in your work and your organization, so if any opportunities happen to come up at [COMPANY NAME], 请记住我,或者随时将附件中的简历转发给任何同事.

Thank you very much again!


Sample thank you email after informational interview:



Thank you so much for speaking with me yesterday. I learned a lot, including [ ] and [ ]. It’s also given me new things to think about, like [ ]. I’m gaining a much better understanding of this field now, 非常感谢你抽出时间和我分享你的故事.


再次感谢! It was a huge help to speak with you!


How to make a connection


One-to-one networking only works when both parties benefit. 遵循以下建议,避免常见的社交失礼,给你的联系人一些他们想从关系中得到的东西.


Connect with SPU 校友

与SPU校友和行业专业人士联系,可以帮助理清和界定你在各个领域的职业兴趣,同时建立有价值的联系.  成为SPU社区的一员意味着你已经是一个惊人的全球网络的一部分!